Originally Posted by cranks
You have to give me a break it's hard for me to read English
I know what you are saying. It's not like I like to see 12 year olds in bikinis in provocative postures. It's not like I like Japanese political system. But again, you CLEARLY said Japan is backward. And you haven't taken it back.
It may be true. I find a lot of things about the US and the UK (sorry, I haven't lived in other countries) more advanced than Japan. But there are a lot of areas where I find Japan is more advanced, and especially when "THE NUMBER" is showing that the "VICTIMS" are less in Japan, I don't know why people from a country with more victims get all of the sudden more political. You didn't care about it when you were in your home country where the issue is even worse. Why now?
I did care in my home country!! I was the preisdent of a national human rights organisation in Australia. I was also president of state based environmental group. I don't know where you get the idea that I've only just started getting political with my move to Japan. Whilst in Australia I was extremely critical of many things there. I don't live there now, I live here and if I find things here that concern me then I will criticise them. I can't even vote in Australia anymore because I've been here too long.
cranks I don't believe Japan is backward in everything either. But many other countries around the world have made big changes in how they deal with issues surrounding making victims of rape feel more comfortable coming forward. Instituional changes from the top down. Japan and I'm sure many other countries have yet to make similar changes. There clearly appears to be a problem here and it clearly needs some solutions.
You can discuss problems in the US and Australia all you like. I live in Japan and this is Japan Forum. I'd like to discuss issues here in Japan. The fact that other countries may have issues similar or worse than Japan doesn't make any difference to the problems that occur here in Japan.