Originally Posted by siokan
Child pornography site hosting
world police 61.72% Kimchi 7.95% Vodka 7.95% feijoada completa 7.11%
pizza 2.49% ..... susi0.97%
Child pornography site access user
world police 22% Beer 14.57% Vodka 8.39% fish&chips 7.02%
pizza 6.14% croissant 3.56% maple syrup 3.16% ......susi 1.74%
The issue is not that Japan is hosting child pornography sites or that is the main market for it. The problem is it being one of the main producers of child pornographic images that are distributed worldwide. I read (but haven't substantiated) that Interpol believes 80% of the worldwide child pornographic images originate out of Japan.
The issue is one that receives not only international criticism but plenty of internal criticism as well. The Japanese aren't totally unaware of the issues but getting legislative changes to the laws regarding child pornography has been very slow and Japan is seen as falling behind on this issue and is hindering worldwide efforts to stop the proliferation of child pornography.
Japan main culprit in online child pornography
The biggest issue is that because it's not illegal to possess child pornography here Japan has become a place to hold and store such materials. To think that those in possession of it are not going to distribute it for profit is naive at best.