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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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11-13-2010, 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by ModusOperandi View Post
This is a very disturbing point of view Suki. I implore you to reflect on it at a deeper level.
You think? So why do people even bother? What's the use of university then, if -according to you- people leave uni not being well-prepared to enter the working world? I believe in meritocracy too, but let's be real, not everyone has what it takes to go through a degree. If you were dying and your only chance at surviving was to have surgery, would you let anyone operate on you? I'm guessing you'd want a good surgeon, and if you knew that surgeon had excellent grades and was the best student in his class at med school, you'd feel more confident about letting him slice you open. Right? or would you go "your degree and accreditations do not show the amount of knowledge you have in your brains, I want another surgeon"?

Pd. What movie is the frame in your dp from?

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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