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noodle (Offline)
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11-13-2010, 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by protheus View Post
You think a surgeon goes directly to the cutting business after school? I'm sorry, but it takes years under the tuition of someone with experience to go to that stage, and why do you think that? Because experience is a must. The degree is just a small part of you being a doctor and the legal part requested for that.
You're forgetting that the best surgeons pick the students with the best results to be their apprentice! As well as the fact that students with the best grades get more chances and internships and a bigger variety of experience. Medicine is actually one of the fields where results and degrees count for A LOT since you probably won't even get the chance to get as much experience if you're not brilliant

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
My friend scored 18/20.

Hi-Tech cheating with wireless methods and tiny camera inserted @pen.

I bet he will do great having his... Diploma.

So yeah, diplomas means everything. (Obvious sarcasm is obvious)
Why are you mixing cheating into this? Sooner or later, the cheaters will probably get caught and they'll lose their job! Me and a friend done an experiment with this. We both applied for an internship! We both had the same results, he cheated, I didn't! He lasted 3 weeks before he got fired because they figured out he didn't actually know anything!

People are going way too far into the extremities! It's stupid to say that in general either Experience or education is more valuable than the other. Of course it depends on the field and career, but the best combination is a good education and good experience!

Last edited by noodle : 11-13-2010 at 09:23 PM.
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