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KungMartin (Offline)
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Location: Sweden!
11-14-2010, 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
Believe me, it's as bad as it sounds. Most weaboos won't get over to Japan because they're immature and just won't get their sh!t together, but there are quite a few that I've met who've slipped through the cracks at my college. They don't understand how awful they are and all of the Japanese students (which make up most of the school) can't stand them and literally laugh at them at times.
Trust me, I know what it's like. I have a few Japanese friends here in Sweden (who go to Japan regularly), and they can't stand j-tards (as we call them). I can imagine how stupid weaboos would look if they actually went to Japan.

pz ! <3