Great, just my luck.
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: London
11-14-2010, 12:35 PM
I know the conversation has moved on from sex before marriage, but I want to make a point.
Sex before marriage, I find, is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean sleep with everyone and everything that moves. But if you use a condom, and take precautions you have a high chance of absolutely nothing happening.
Holding yourself for this one special person, doesn't make it any different than what it is. Yes, you might consider it "love making" and if you do, then fair enough. But, if you've never had it before, and if she hasn't either, then it's going be an interesting learning curve for both of you. And neither of you will enjoy it. I mean, do you both want to spend about 15 minutes fumbling about in the dark?
That said, "love making" happens when you have sex before marriage. It's perfectly possible, and infact I'd say having sex before marriage makes your relationship more stable. Allow me to explain.
Now, there are lots of reasons why both men and women cheat of their partners. One of the main reasons however, seem to be the fact that they are either bored of their sex life, or they're curious about what it would be like sleeping with another person.
Surveys have been done on this, and article's written. I'll give you a few links;
Cheating hearts: Who's doing it and why - Health - Sexual health - msnbc.com
9 Reasons People Cheat - Love + Sex on Shine
main reasons why people cheat survey - Google Search
They might not be proven reasons, but they're the main reasons that pop up in surveys or articles. So it's logical to assume that is the case.
Me and my best friend are basically the same except in one thing. He's a man that believes in no sex before marriage, and I'm completely the opposite of it. He's now 21, and has been married for a year to his wife, who also believed in no sex before marriage. Keep in mind, I'm a sexually active person, so I've had sex with different types of women, where he hasn't.
Only a year has past, and he came to me a few months ago, and confessed that he had cheated on his wife. I asked him why, because I was curious as to why a man who lived by the belief of no sex before marriage, would cheat on his wife. He said "I got bored with my sex life. I love her I do, but I look around and I see so many other women. I was curious, and drunk one night, and it happened."
For me, that has never been the case. When I've been in a relationship, I've never looked at a girl and thought "Oh, I've never had sex with a girl like her before." or "Damn, I would like to have sex with her."
I've thought "Oh, she's just another girl. I've tapped something like that before."
As condescending and sexist that may sound, it's the truth on what goes through my head. And so I've never cheated on my partners.
Long point, I know, and now off-topic. But that's all I wanted to say.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
Last edited by Salvanas : 11-14-2010 at 12:40 PM.