Originally Posted by KyokoUK
I guess you are right within the context you are talking about. First though, I was thinking legitimate marriages, not forced ones or "mail order brides" and I know some horror tales about that. And yes we need, in the UK, to address the issue of women being forced to return to their homeland, marry someone they don't want to and return. I have heard of some of those ending in blood shed.
for the expences here, I spent some years in the US and I am having to struggle some back here at home but I felt so exposed to crime and unsafe in the US that getting back to my lovely England I felt it was worth the extra expence. I tend to live a little more minimalist, though, than many people. So alltogether you are right in your points and from the view I was addressing I think I still had some valid points. I am glad to have this discussion with you and thank you for giving me this additional view on these issues.
I am just living on a very small pension---which is not easy-- However I am very fortunate that we managed to pay our mortgage off a few years ago.
Our children have it tough-- what with so many redundancies. Work is hard to obtain-- and now the govt. is sacking so many others-- who will need Benefit.
Interesting to hear you say you felt unsafe in America. I suppose much depends on where you Lived!.
We hear of so much crime in this country that was unheard of not so long ago.
carrying knives- killing innocent people. I do not understand all that but there has to be reasons.
It is so unlike the Britain that I grew up in after the war. We were so glad to be alive.
I think DRINK and Drugs is one of the culprits. also where people grow up. The kind of environment they live in must have a strong influence.
Have you researched your Japanese background. do you know your family history?