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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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11-14-2010, 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
I can't agree with this. In relative terms, by your logic you could never give any kind of description to a style or archetype because someone else could dismiss it as being relative. But we don't do this because we have to give the best description to fit certain definite characteristics that describe something or someone to distinguish it from something else.
But you can't even give me those characteristics beyond "someone who thinks Japan is utopia and is obsessed with Japan" etc. Which is just an opinion rather than a description of someone or something.

And even if you did give me one. That would just be your personal opinion. I've already told you what I think a "Weabo" would be. I can't understand why someone would listen to music when they can't understand the lyrics.. to me those people would be "Weabos" if I was going to be contemptuous towards them.

I would agree with you if there was an accepted description. But there just isn't. As I said before.. trying to define the word Weabo is like trying to define the word nigger.