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KyokoUK (Offline)
Loving KuranUSA
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11-14-2010, 09:21 PM

Oh...I have a question about evanny's comments about America not being a facsious government. If they aren't why do they have the one major symbol of it, the fascius, the axe made of a bundle of smaller rods around a single center rod with the axe head through it? Isn't that sort of telling? And what having to "show your papers" at every turn? I know from being there a few years that you can hardly go anywhere without some police wanting to see your ID card. In England we just defeated, happly, an attempt at a law to force all us to carry picture ID's that could be checked every time we turn around. That's what passports are for. I think you may be closer to the old goose step than you think.

I Defied My Brain And Learned For Myself That Wheelchairs Are Not Always Forever...Music Was A Large Part Of My Healing...Let Music Heal Your Soul.

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