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JF Ossan
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11-14-2010, 11:38 PM

Originally Posted by KuranUSA View Post
Errmmmm.....taxes have only gone up in in U.S for those who are economically considered to be lower high class or above. Obama has instituted policies that,as he himself has put it,'Spread the wealth' so that those who work hard have to turn around and,in some cases, give almost 60% of their hard earned money around to support those people who can't be bothered to work.

An entire generation has been trained in America to belive that the rest of the country'owes them',and as such they shouldn't have to work,merely que up at the county courthouse every week to get 'their' money,all at taxpayer's expense.

apart from that,oh yes,brilliant. Obama got elected based on his campaign of'change'. well,it certainly has changed. The american dream that has supported the country for two hundred years is in ruins all becuase of socalist policies from a man who isn't even legally allowed to be president.

Taxes have not gone up. The administration is debating now whether or not to keep the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. The tax cuts were put in place with hopes more money would be spread about the country. As a result we went into the worst recession in a century.

Kuran, you seem like a nice person, but I think you are getting very poor information. Misinformation is part of the strategy of the right. Pres. Obama IS the American dream.

Do you REALLY think if it were illegal for Obama to be president he would be sitting in the White House?

Originally Posted by KuranUSA View Post
3% off a dollar over 200k a year is 6 thousand dollars(if you make 200k a year.) Let's take that off of your paycheck and see if it's 'too noticable'.
You are not getting it. 3% a dollar AFTER 200k. So if you made $200,001 it would be $0.03.

Last edited by MMM : 11-14-2010 at 11:42 PM.
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