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JF Ossan
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11-14-2010, 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by KuranUSA View Post
In order to be president,there are a number of things you need to present. Like,for example,a birth certificate that isn't a forgery. Proof that you are a citizen of the country. None of those have been provided for Obama.
You are simply wrong, Kuran. Barack Obama Birth Certificate

Originally Posted by KuranUSA View Post
First,how is Obama the american dream?

Second,the unfortunate truth is,just because it's illegial,dosen't mean it dosen't happen. To this day,approaching two years since he took office,the obama administration has failed to provide even a birth certificate,let alone proof that he is even a citizen of the united states. The supposed transparency policy that he ran with in his campaign is nowhere to be seen.
The fact that a mixed race child from a broken home could grow up and become the president of the United States is the definition of the American Dream.

Originally Posted by KyokoUK View Post
Oh...I have a question about evanny's comments about America not being a facsious government. If they aren't why do they have the one major symbol of it, the fascius, the axe made of a bundle of smaller rods around a single center rod with the axe head through it? Isn't that sort of telling? And what having to "show your papers" at every turn? I know from being there a few years that you can hardly go anywhere without some police wanting to see your ID card. In England we just defeated, happly, an attempt at a law to force all us to carry picture ID's that could be checked every time we turn around. That's what passports are for. I think you may be closer to the old goose step than you think.
Where are you seeing a fascist symbol used in the US government?

Last edited by MMM : 11-14-2010 at 11:51 PM.
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