Thread: Marriage
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(#25 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
11-15-2010, 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by KuranUSA View Post
I actually disagree on this one. There's no reason why you can't get to know someone very well online. and she has obviously spent a lot of real time...time with the guy after that.

All the best Ito,I wish you a happy marriage.
You may have a point, but with that said it is very easy to lie online. I could tell you anything about myself right now, for example, and how easy would it be for you to verify it? I'm not saying that her fiance is a liar or anything like that, but even if someone was to be extremely truthful and honest an internet relationship is not an indication of personality or person. If you argue online you can turn off the computer, come back later, and respond with a cool head. . . if you're with a person face to face then you can't typically just walk away, especially not if you're living with them.

I think Pocky's question was very valid. She (Ito) says she lives with him (her fiance) and has vacationed with him, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's spent a lot of time with him in real life, for all we know she may have moved in just last month. Time spent with someone in real life is very important in determining whether a relationship has a chance, especially marraige.

Last edited by RobinMask : 11-15-2010 at 05:30 PM. Reason: paranthesis to make clear who is being discussed
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