11-16-2010, 01:27 AM
I think you should try to focus on great things in your life. You live in Norway, you have a great life, a great family who loves you, no doubt you have good friends who love you for who you are. Are you seriously wasting your precious time in life by wishing to be something that you can NEVER be in this lifetime?
I think it's great that you look outside your nation, see what goes around outside Norway. But if you only focus on negative aspects of your life, then you might as well end it right there.
Seriously. Take a look in the mirror.. Embrace what you have, cause only YOU have all YOUR features. You may find some of them rather strange - but consider them unique instead. You should love yourself for YOU - instead of hating yourself for something that you can't be.
And I can't see how Japanese culture is superior to Norwegian culture. I live in Denmark myself (hey neighbor!) and I think that both Sweden and Norway got great things going on. No country is perfect, but you gotta give it to your country that it at least ain't a poor country with dead children floating in the gutter and people committing suicide every 50 seconds. (exaggerations emphasizes the point)
Anyway.. What I'm trying to say is that ALL countries have their negative sides. Japan is NO exception.
[ ♥<-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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a map to the nearest exit and stamp "fuck off" on her forehead." - Pot Roast