Yours Rightfully Insolent
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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11-16-2010, 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
yes but JAPAN/ASIA still limits to those areas?
but elsewhere is not allowed? why?
There are many discussions about Japan oriented subjects
you truly wish to restrict this wonderful forum and the wealth of members from around the world.
Isn't it a tremendous opportunity to learn to understand one another?
I don't understand how MMM and MissMisa haven't answered you, dogsbody. You CAN talk about other things, other than Japan-oriented subjects, as long as they fulfill either of the first two criteria of thread-composition, as per stated in this thread.
What I said once: To be blunt, well, we're trying to keep things strictly Japanese here. If we have one thing, we're gonna lose the right to limit others, who want another thing. If we refuse them, we'll get accused of favoritism or being biased. If we let 'em, that beats the point of this being called "Japan Forum".
This is not a haphazard guess, but something that has happened before and turned JF upside down, apparently. No one wishes for a repeat.
Your other alternatives to the wealth of acquaintances are available via the Chat thread, PM'ing, the JF live chat system, Facer, Pics your life and show us your style threads, or other forums. They aren't limited to Japan/Asia topics.
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
Last edited by CoolNard : 11-16-2010 at 10:22 AM.
Reason: emphasis