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LycanOtaku (Offline)
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11-16-2010, 05:33 PM

In order for me to be attracted to someone, I need to feel intellectually stimulated. If I can hold intelligent conversation with a guy, and they can make me laugh and put up with my numerous hangups, (and we can actually get along great) then to me that says keeper... lol... I don't need anybody to take care of me, I work for that purpose... On that same note, he has to be financially secure enough to take care of himself. Romance is a plus, and I am all for PDA (to a certain extent, no groping please, lol)... Nationality/race is unimportant, so long as my requirements above are met. I admit to being more cerebral about these things than others are, but the way to this girl's heart is through her overactive brain, hehe...
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