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TalnSG (Offline)
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11-16-2010, 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by seiki View Post
From what I read Bush was coerced in to sending troops by cheney and what ever the secretary of defenses name is.
Usually "coerced" means that the person changed their mind; not the case with GW Bush. The man voiced his support for such an action long before his candidacy for the Presidency. I don't recall the specifics, but I think it was while Clinton was campaigning for the office the first time.

As for evanny's comment
i think its the biggest Obamas fault. he wants to be friends with everyone. he doesn't have balls like Bush had who still stays to his opinion and says that war in middle east was the right thing.
I agree this is where Obama is ineffective. But there is a big difference between courage opf conviction and self righteous stubborness. The latter tends to accompany an excessive ego and minimal intelligence, as it does in the former President (and spawn of this state ).

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