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Ronin4hire (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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11-17-2010, 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
I've just found it quite amazing this whole weaboo phenomena. As I said in the other thread I wasn't even aware it existed until I started frequenting this forum. In my whole life I have never come across anyone previously who was totally into anime, manga or Japanese culture. Sure I've met a few who were somewhat interested but not in a huge way where their whole life revolved around all things Japanese (not even after living in Japan all these years). I find it incredibly weird to say the least. Just like I would find it weird for someone to be over the top into a celebrity. It's a form of idolization but in this case for a whole country and it's culture. Whether such idolization be for a celebrity or for Japan, I think most of us recognise the reality is generally a very long way from the image these people have built up in their minds.
Are you familiar with Orientalism?

I think the whole idolizing Japan thing is one the many modern day variants of it.

One of the reasons I chose Japanese as a language was because I used to buy into such romantic notions of Japan however my fascination was not with Anime/Manga etc. but rather Bushido and Martial Arts.

I wanted to become a part of that world.. and I mean for real rather than just doing a karate or judo class.

Of course I have a more realistic impression of Japan and Japanese culture now but I still enjoy it for different reasons.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 11-17-2010 at 08:45 AM.
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