Originally Posted by Mulan
I have found under Japan Geschenke Shop japanische Lampen Schriftzeichen Kalligraphie Uhren und Dekoration a nice clock - and on it is according to this site a poem from the Kokin Wakashu ... The authors say, the meaning is in German as follows: "Ist diese Welt Traum oder Realität? Niemand weiß, ob es Realität oder Traum ist, denn es scheint zu existieren, aber es existiert doch nicht." (English it might be as follows: "Is this world dream or reality? Nobody knows, if it is reality or dream, because it seems to exist, but it exists certainly not"). It seems, that the Sosho writing begins with the Hiragana (or Hentaigana?) との and seems to contain also a め . But the Sosho is a very difficult writing form, so that I cannot be sure if it is not another sign. ... But I didn't find it yet. I tried to find it under UVa Library Etext Center: Japanese Text Initiative
Can anybody help me to find out which poem exactly this is? Which poem number of the mentioned text link it is? Or is it really from the Kokin wakashu?
Can't believe you're back with another. Below is how you treated another member when he took the time to answer your professional-level question.