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(#36 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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11-17-2010, 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by KyokoUK View Post
So can we say that if someone was trying to hurt you or your family, you wouldn't fight for them but would go to the bully down the street and ask him to do it for you? And how many years after that will you be licking the boots of said bully for his "favor?"

Even being and English girl with Japanese roots, I want to see Japan given back her rights stripped from her after WWII. Wasn't dropping two atomic bombs on the nation of my families origins enough? Maybe they don't WANT the local bully "taking up for them" and would rather fight their own fights and have their own rights. Its time for America, however good of a nation they are, to get their fingers out of everyone else business.

I wonder if you have read about the way the Japanese behaved towards Prisoners of War during the PAcific war. Maybe its time you did some research.
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