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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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11-17-2010, 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
btw. haven't received any tasks recently
Don't you worry, there shall be more

Originally Posted by Chiquita
Well as a woman,, I would in particular look for a guy that is; friendly, good humored, good character, intelligent, genuine, hardworking, and that has a good fragancy.. if theres some one like that let me know (joking)
Interesting you would mention that... Smell plays a deciding role. I have a friend who has a theory. She thinks people are attracted to each other by body odour more than looks. Like animals. It's all hormonal. She says that when you find yourself being irrationally attracted to someone it's because your subconscious has taken a liking to that person's smell. And the other way around, you might find someone to be extremely sexy and suddenly the attraction stops and you can't figure out why since you still find him desireble but your hormones are turned off by the smell, and that's all a physical thing you don't realize but actually takes place inside of your body. The human body works in mysterious ways.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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