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(#58 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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11-17-2010, 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by JamboP26 View Post
It doesn't necessarily have to be about war. If I was given the choice to play for Brazil in the World Cup, or Japan, I'd choose Japan. I know if I were to play for Brazil, the chances of winning the World Cup would be greater, but I would prefer to try and win it with a team I love. Tbh, on PS3 football games, I use Japan the most, and I even beat Argentina 1-0 on World Class mode.

You think that your football skills would help Brazil win the World CUP? its not exactly like Playstation.

But back to the OP's original question, I wouldn't join up to the army, but if I did, I would choose to join Japan in defence of a country I love that has a rich history and culture
don' t you think Scotland also has a rich history culture.

You seem to love a country that you have never visited.

There are plenty of historical programmes on TV re Scotland and ENGLAND etc.
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