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(#98 (permalink))
Qayin (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 119
Join Date: Aug 2010
11-19-2010, 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
that damn China - most ancient civilization that has survived in whole world without any changes from 2nd century ad until 1912. damn apes who have no manga, only lame dude called Confucian who probably couldn't write. and how they dare to have the most records of their ancient history left than any other culture but again with no manga records!

sarcasm, if anyone has problems getting it...

P.S any person dumb enough to say that they will go to war for manga and anime should be sent to gas chambers specially when they have no idea what culture means and that practically every nation sucks chinas d*ck when it comes to it.
Wow, very GREAT logic hahaha I just can't stop laughing....

My question is "why should we throw our life in a war?"
I love Japan and its culture but to die for it is too much. I don't think I can eat sushi or watch Gundam if I die haha.

But I gotta admit that nowaday China is acting like a big dog (and it's actually a big dog albeit a lousy dog that still moan about it's prosperity 4000 years ago and about the war 60 years ago)

But I really wanna kick this dog's a.....s someday not for Japan or the US but for my own sake.

I just feel its boasting about 4000 years culture quite boring.

Oh yeah I almost forget.

I believe every country has a right to protect themselves. To rip off its army is like put someone in a straight jacket. That's nonsense. If other country has full-fledge army, Japan should have it too, espeacially when there is a mad dog that wanna avenge for his 60 years old rotten bone is near them!
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