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(#9 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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11-19-2010, 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by Brass View Post
Oh, save me with that garbage

Feminism is DIRECTLY responsible for the declining birth rate in western countries. Men responsible? Oh please. You may think impotence may be contributing, but the fact is men don't want to marry women who act like men.

Feminism is responsibly for the free sex its ok to be a skank movement women have been on for the past 20 years. It's basically removed the stigma for women to sleep around like men. Yeah, it's fun for guys for women to slut themselves around, but NO guy wants to marry this type of women or have kids with them.

Also, I'm not some male chauvinist or anything, but if women want to work I'm perfectly fine with that and most men are. But we do appreciate a female with female qualities and females who want to take on female responsibilities. Biologically females are the ones who take care of the young and take care of the family with the resources the man brings up (money or supplies). We don't want am aggressive woman who works 12 hours a day pushing and shoving her way to the top in an attempt to "bring home the bacon". Sorry not that's not a feminine quality.

Sorry but it's the sad truth.
You not chauvinist? that is laughable. you obviously don't have a clue.
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