Originally Posted by nala
I wish over here in USA that they just have a manga store, you know, instead of just a small itty-bitty little section in the bookstore...*sigh*Oh well, at least we have some!
Japan doesn't have a manga store silly , the sell manga at the books stores because manga is.. you know. At their book stores there is wall to wall manga and they have it set up that each manga in ever bookshelf is set up as the genres they're.
When I said they don't have a manga store I meant like a place where they sell manga like *omics. In Japan, they have a used manga store (something like the used bookstores here in the states).
What I have heard is that at these used bookstores, they will not take your manga if it is torn up are completely ruined. I am not sure if this is actually accurate or not, but I tried....