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HikoSeijuro (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2010
11-20-2010, 08:03 PM

You can never win against the "what if" question.

"What if" I lived there?
"What if" that didn't happen to me?
"What if" I didn't say those things?

Some people are seemingly happy whereever they are and a lot of people are miserable whereever they are.

Character is not built overnight and a sudden change of scenery isn't going to suddenly change a person's character or demeanor. Does purchasing a home gym make someone suddenly stronger or more muscular?

Moving to a new place may make you happy temporarily but it's like anything "new" .. once the new feeling fades you may be forced to ask yourself yet again:

If I'm not happy and this thing/place/person I wanted that I now have did not make me as happy as I thought it would be...should I focus on internal issues rather than trying to obtain more external stuff??

Life is a marathon; not a 40 yard dash.

A superior psychology, mastery of self, and a clean arse are the keys to happiness.
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