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Wink I'm sure - 11-21-2010, 02:23 AM

I'm pretty sure one of the more aware and intelligent posters has already pointed out, that to be Japanese ethnically would make you partially uninteresting to the Japanese population and would greatly stint your experience of Japanese culture. A lot of people begin liking Japanese culture because of the reason that it is excitingly different to their own, being Japanese would take quite a bit of the fun out of (not all) experiencing this.

I for one have never been to Japan but have read about it's culture and learned the language solely to get away from my own culture (Which being Australian I know is non existent almost when compared to the extensive and interesting culture of the Japanese).

To some degree this is about "The grass is greener" but I'm sure I can safely say being different is what makes these experiences what they are extremely interesting and enjoyably. Sure it would be cool to physically look Japanese for a day or a week to be different, but if it were fixed and I was a Japanese person in Japan, I might just find myself interested in the American, German, Russian or even non existent Australian way of life.

If you disagree, Post why.
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