Originally Posted by RickOShay
I have to disagree with this. At least, around where I live, heating and cooling is not even close to being standard in schools. I mean teachers rooms have them as well as the office areas, but in classrooms they are still extremely rare to my knowledge.
I don`t know how it is currently at the high school level, but I do know that it is moving up from elementary. Elementary schools now tend to have heating and cooling as a standard - high school and middle school is sort of in-between. Some schools do, some don`t, and I`m sure the speed at which they install is going to have a lot to do with local budget. The thing is it is now pretty much in the law that new schools built are required to have classroom AC, and that older schools are supposed to install. More students = more incentive to hurry up and do it, so I`m sure the larger schools take priority.
I`m not sure if heating is a priority - but summer AC is. Parents are pretty quick to push a school into installing if the day is too hot and the students are sent home... This year apparently had quite a few "too hot" days, so I expect that next year a LOT more schools are going to have AC in place.
The school you went to must have been pretty bad. I mean there most certainly are schools plagued with that kind of violence, but it is not representative of the norm. It all depends on the state, city, and most importantly the area of the city the school is in.
I don`t think it is representative of all schools, just like I also don`t think the prep school I went to the year before it is representative. But those are my experiences of US high schools, and I didn`t find them in general better or worse than Japanese high schools... As I said, similar stuff just in a different package.
(The school wasn`t in a particularly bad area, but it was during a period of "mixing kids from all over with no regard to anything else" - so there were students brought in from all over... Some from very bad areas, and some in opposing gangs, etc etc. A few bad apples in a generally normal and bland school, but there was still an officer and a kid was shot, a few were stabbed, some very violent bullying went on, etc...)