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(#88 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: Inverloch, Australia
11-22-2010, 02:21 AM

Cranks the posession law is an issue and puts Japan behind most other nations in the world. That's not bashing, it's just a fact. Child pornographers are very sophisticated in their operations worldwide and very good at taking advantage of countries that have laws that give them more leeway. The fight against child pornography is one that needs worldwide cooperation and Japans laws (or lack of them) are seen as a hinderance to the this effort.

In terms of treatment of rape victims I don't consider it bashing to also say that Japan is way behind most other modern nations. There is ample evidence from the Japanese government itself that reporting rates of rape are extremely low. Much of this is due I believe to attitudes generally towards rape and it's treatment by police and the courts. As one of the government surveys found 7% of respondents claimed to have been raped at least once and only about 5% of them reported it. There is something wrong with the system when so many who have been raped do not report it. Again this is not bashing it's just recognising that there is an issue in this country. One that many groups and the government are aware of but as yet I have not seen any major moves to improve the situation.
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