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(#91 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Jul 2010
11-22-2010, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
I live in Japan and I'm concerned about issues here. If you continually want talk about Australia then I suggest you frequent Australian forums instead of one that focuses on Japan. Before you start carrying on about my refernce to Japan being behind other nations lets just be clear that as my post above suggests I do not believe the official rates of rape reported in Japan are even remotely close to revealing the actual situation. The rate of reporting here is officially recognised as being extremely low. It is the system and culture that makes reporting so low that concerns me. It doesn't surprise me at all that a country like Australia has far higher reporting of rape because much has been done there to support and encourage victims to come forward. Are there still issues there? Yes of course there are but they are not really issues to be discussed on this forum are they?
Rape occurs in every nation on earth. The main differences between nations is how much support the victims receive and how they are treated by the police and the courts. On this front I believe Japan is lagging behind most other modern nations.
As I said, it is not ME keep bringing up how one county is behind another. It is you GoNative, who has been continuously saying Japan is behind, dude. It's OK for me to say Curry Murders are backward and barbarous. But I don't say Australia is behind. I'm not the one who's comparing Japan to another. It's fine though, if you want to do it but hey, it's the UN's number says the westerners are the vicious ones.

There are different circumstances in different countries. There may be needs for more strict controls of child pornography even if that collides with freedom. Which is understandable. But saying "Japan is behind so they should adapt it" is hardly convincing and to be honest makes you look rather bigoted in the light of the fact the "other countries" actually have higher rates of rapes. Those sick rapists and pedophiles aren't Japanese in the first place, and we value Freedom of Speech. If you want to convince Japanese, drop all that "behind" crap and ask for "help".

And I know you will hate this but you are getting the information from only one side...
I know you live in Japan and I know you have established your life there, which I really respect, but political things are different... You get information from the TV and magazines even in your own culture when it comes to that. The things I hear in English and things I hear in Japanese are VERY different. It's like hearing a couple arguing. The girl says one thing and the guy says another. I totally understand where your opinion is coming from. But at the same time, I can't agree with you because, to my view, you are very one sided.

Last edited by cranks : 11-22-2010 at 03:30 AM.
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