Yours Rightfully Insolent
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11-22-2010, 12:35 PM
@dogsbody Wasn't he only using Japan as an example? There were also general statements in the opening post.
Originally Posted by GoNative
I actually started the thread because I was labelled a 'hater' of Japan due to some of my criticisms I've made about the country. I was questioning why it seems that any criticism automatically seems to get you labelled as such. It appeared to me that unless you confess undying love of everything Japanese you run the risk of being labelled a hater on this forum. Something I clearly believe is ridiculous.
Exactly my point. No one can love or hate everything, everything Japanese included. I agree with dogsbody on this: nothing is perfect. From my point of view, if everything is imperfect, how can one hate everything? If nothing is perfect, can everyone love nothing, then?
I hate wasabi, but that doesn't mean I'm a 360 degrees hater of Japan.
Once again, sorry for disrupting your thread. But apparently, Hiko disagrees with the notion that it is a fact. So, I still believe we're on-topic.
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.