Originally Posted by RobinMask
Some of the other members like Dogs and Columbine are from the UK, and older than I am, so they might be able to answer you better
*laughs* I honestly don't know much about it. The only thing I can offer is that one of my friends became a sperm donor for these reasons:
1) he would like to have kids but;
2) he's gay,
3) feels like there's no guarantee that a long term relationship would happen where kids would be an option and;
4) had to have a testicle removed.
I'm not suggesting this is the case for most men, but whelp... there you have it.
Or perhaps the drive to donate stems from personal experience; people are more likely to donate money to charities or give blood if someone they know has or has needed the service of those donations, perhaps the men who donate sperm despite the relatively few legal or financial incentives have personal incentives instead.