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protheus (Offline)
Arthur et Les Minimoys
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11-23-2010, 10:28 PM

To stay in line for hours at the dentist no, but first you have to go to a family care medic, which will give you a sending to the dentist, and here you loose you're hours...a lot of hours.

Its free, but the only treatment you'll be receiving is getting out all your teeth, regardless of the measure in which they are deteriorated/treatable.

Almost the same in any other medical domain, first a line up at the family care medic, where you spend a lot of time, then some basic, very basic free treatment at the specialized medic. Even with the free service, a small bribe is a must... I really hate the medical system here.

Private insurance is very rare in my country, all medical care is based on the social health system and the bribe you give to the medics, nurses, etc.
I am lucky I can afford to pay one, so in case something happens I am able to go to a private hospital (that's a must if you wanna live).

Reverse psychology, "dear Watson", reverse psychology.
"Manganese? Is that manga language?" - lol?

Last edited by protheus : 11-23-2010 at 10:36 PM.
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