Originally Posted by RobinMask
It may be illegal in other countries, but not in England. Sorry that the link is from the BBC like the one in my other post was, but I'm a bit too lazy to do a real search, lol. I think the law came in effect in 2005, but basically sperm donors no longer have the right to anonymity here.
BBC NEWS | Health | Sperm donor anonymity ends
Jeez, I did not know that! Aren't you people against this law?!
Originally Posted by evanny
is this the correct term? ovum ? well women can also donate those.
Yeah I know, but the donation process is a lot different. It's a bit more complex and it hurts like you wouldn't believe. Or so they say. I haven't done it and will not do it for the resons I explained in my previous post.
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
Imagine you are a child by an unknown donor-- Is that natural--No real father in your life.
It is not natural at all. Rather similar to many who were or are adopted-- they often yearn to know their roots-- who made them the way they are.
That's very nazi thinking.
A real father is someone who assumes the father's role and responsabilities, not the one who ejaculates inside a woman if later on he's not gonna wanna have shit to do with the baby.
If I were a child by an unkown donor to me my dad would be the one guy who stood by my mom while she was carrying me inside of her, not the donor who I would not once try to know anything about. So, to you a man who helps a woman through pregnancy and then raises a baby and is committed to it, is not a real father? Cause the sperm that got his woman pregnant was not his? Pffft, bullshit.