the thing is that I have been involved in people searching for their parent/s.
And believe me there often is a LOT of agony. even those who had a decent adoptive home often feel the need to KNOW. its human nature to want to know. when a person does not resemble their adoptive parents at all or sisters/brothers they often have a strong yearning to know-- especially about the mother.
those mothers who in the early sixities were forced to give up their babies because it was considered a dreaful sin to have a child out of wedlock. Many never got over it-- and constantly search to try to trace their adult son or daughter..
Maybe some surrogate women can shrug it off-- actually giving birth to a child meant for another couple-- but many Do come to regret it-- because having carried a child in their womb, gone through labour etc-- then just passing the baby over-- can never be easy. I know there have been women who have been a surrogate several times over--- Its usually for money--
But there are those who regret it so much.
even where it is arranged between friends who offer to help out gay couples-- it does not all end up rosy at all.
Yes there are those who do not care at all where they come from but there are plenty who NEED to know.
In the past couples who could not have their own children adopted a baby. Iwonder if they ever considered the mother who was forced to give up her baby.
It is hard to adopt a normal health baby now in UK-- so often it is children who may be disabled or not totally perfect who needs a permanent home.
We have thousands of children here in UK who are needing loving homes.
Not many couples want to take on a child that is not a baby so the children end up thrown around the so called care system. Unwanted.
There was a time in this country when an adopted child was never told that he/.she was adopted-- but that changed with the childrens Act in 1975.
we are desperate for foster carers here-- but fostering is not always easy and its not easy to find enough foster carers.
There were some kids who were fostered in America-- and some of the tales they told of their experiences were horrific.
many kids were just put onto trains and some one would collect them from the train somewhere along the line.
I believe that bringing children into the world should be something not taken lightly.
Using donors where the egg donor is chosen via the internet-- then a different surrogate-- then providing the sperm-- IS designing Babies to suit.
What happens when things go wrong and the child does not fit in with the life style of the couple who arrange to bring a child into the world.
There are so many aspects about this. it should never be done lightly.
I would feel as if I had been manufactured according to the couples whim.
Okay if all is well and the child/ren is brought up with the information many probably will be satisfied and not want to know-- but what happens when they fall out with the couple-- if it is a couple-- what does the young person do then.
Donor conceived person - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Surrogacy UK - What is Surrogacy - Legalities
this site was in 2003 so unsure how up to date it may be regarding Japan.
Here comes the egg biz: ova operations open in Japan | Japan, Inc. | Find Articles at BNET