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Kayci (Offline)
The odd Gaijin :3
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11-24-2010, 05:20 PM

Well, all of my serious relationships have been only with Asian men.
My current relationship of over a year is my first non-japanese; He's korean.

I'm not a striking beauty by any means. I'm short, small in the upper area, and look much younger than my age. I am considered the "cutesy" one instead of the "pretty" one among my friends.

My boyfriend wouldn't want to "upgrade" to your type though, LOL

I was never considered "beautiful" until I started non-mainstream modeling for my friend's art/photography, and even then its rare.

Asian guys like "cute" girls more than "beautiful, sexy" according to a poll my boyfriend found somewhere on daum, I believe. I forgot what the reasons were by people who commented on was a shock to me.

And I have other Asian guys that hit on me, online and in real life.

However, I think its just because maybe they're appreciative someone is so interested into their culture so deeply, beyond shallow things like anime or k-pop. Its not everyday they find an American/white girl who can talk to them and relate to how different their cultures are and appreciate it.

Then again...when an Asian guy dates outside the Asia, it seems to be into a white-girl kind of thing. Not fully sure, I'm just going by what the people in my local japanese and korean clubs say. LOL So don't fully quote me on that.

Coffee prevents me from killing you.
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