Originally Posted by CoolNard
Well, getting back on topic, have you ever tried to approach the guys, in the first place? Like a simple "hi" or "wanna have dinner?" I mean, Asian guys generically tend to be a little more shy, as compared to their out-going Western counterparts, although I'm sure it's the same for women.
Anyway, this might be a racial issue. I know most of my Asian friends in occidental regions, who only hang out with their Asian friends. It's "just what we do", they say. So maybe you Western ladies could take the initiative and approach them, with friendly smiles and all that.
My experiences match yours. So much so that when I was approached by a Chinese guy on Halloween night, at first I thought I was misunderstanding the messages he was sending. Usually, unless they are either very "Americanized" or have consumed considerable amounts of alcohol, most Asian guys will not initiate a conversation with non-Asian women they don't know. I think some of it is shyness, but there is also a cultural aspect to it. They just don't approach women socially, unless they have been previously introduced by a mutual friend.