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TalnSG (Offline)
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11-24-2010, 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
And I think you can say that America invaded Vietnam if you wanted to. It gave military support to a corrupt and incompetent South Vietnamese government simply because it wasn't communist. But I suppose whether that counts as invasion is debatable.
Can't really be considered an invasion, since we were invited in by both the government in power and the French who had supported its establishment once they were ready to get out.

The rest of the details jive with both my memory and research, but has very little to do with the current situation.

Kim Jung Il is insane, but I am confident he recalls why North Korean and Chinese supported troops had to withdraw back to the north. While he will taunt the U.S. till we are on the brink of resuming that war he can't win, I can't see him invading and meeting SK and US troops in a conventional conflict. Of course that doesn't rule out his blowing up the entire NE section of the continent - hiimself with it.

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