What most of the Americans know about Cuba is pure propaganda against socialism. Nothing more...
First of all, the reason of USA hating Cuba is not "human rights" or "Nuclear Crisis"... (btw USA hating a country because of nuclear terror or human rights -which never happened-? LoL. It's ironic if you look USA's history)
If you know about history of Cuba, you can see why USA hate Cuba after revolution. Before 26th of July Movement, in USA backed up Batista's regime Cuba was exploited by USA's companies and American Mafia. Almost %70 of the land was owned by those companies, and native Cubans life conditions was just horrible. Diseases like typhoid, dysentery, measles etc and malnutrition were reasons of major deaths, rate of baby-deaths were around %6. Literacy rate was one of the lowest around the world. There were just one medical school. Life expectancy was under 60. And you know what? USA never use that "human rights" arguments against Cuba that time... Hmmm... Maybe it's because they were the reason of that tyranny.
People who protest that tyranny of USA backed up Batista's regime were tortured and killed. Almost 20.000 people killed just before revolution movement started. (And for BBC Che is "the" terrorist one who fight against that tyranny... Hmmm)
With 26th of July Movement, USA companies kicked out from Cuba and Cuba gain their freedom. Thats why USA hates Cuba and brainwashing American people against it. Couse with that revolution they simply lost one of their cheap-labor sources. Morely, they are afraid of Cuban revolution cause it can be an example for countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America which are exploited by imperialism.
If you still think Fidel is an "evil dictator". Just compare Cubans life standarts after revolution with Batista's regime. Let me help you;
In Cuba illiteracy is 0.2% while in Latin America it is 11.7%.
Infant mortality rate in Cuba is %0,6 .
Life expectancy is 76.5% in Cuba while in Latin America it is 70 years.
Primary school enrollment in Cuba is 100% while in Latin America it is 92%.
Secondary school enrollment in Cuba is 99.7% while in Latin America it is a dismal 52%.
While 100% of the students in elementary school achieve grade level only 76% achieve it Latin America.
In Latin America 12% of the population is illiterate, that is 42 million do not know how to read and write. Furthermore, there are 110 million people who never finished elementary school. None of them Cubans.
There are 860 million absolute illiterates in the world. None of them Cubans. Let us not count the political illiterates, as this would be a huge amount.
In Cuba there are 590 doctors for every 100 thousand persons, while in Latin America there are only 160 doctors for every 100 thousand.
Cuba has the highest percentage of doctors per person in the world.
Aids in Cuba is only 0.05% while in Latin America it is 0.5%.
According to UNESCO Cuba has the lowest illiteracy rate and the highest matriculation rate of all the countries in Latin America.
In a report given by UNESCO in 1999 on education encompassing 13 Latin American countries, Cuban students rank number one in knowledge in all subject areas. In Cuba, based on a population of approximate 11 million, more than 500 thousand have a university degree; 4 million are currently enrolled in a university.
In 2003 CEPAL (UN org) points out that 20% or 102 million people in Latin America and in the Caribbean live in extreme poverty. None of them are Cubans.
In Honduras 67% of the population live in brutal misery. None of them are Cubans.
In Latin America, 54 million in Latin America have malnutrition. None of them Cubans.
In Mexico 34% of the children below 5 years old suffer chronic malnutrition.
In Guatemala this figure reaches 50%.
Every 7 seconds a child below 10 years old dies of hunger. None of them Cuban children.
According to the UN 842 million people suffer from chronic malnutrition. None of them Cubans.
Yeah Cuba's economy is not great, thanks to embargo and pressure of USA . And Yeah, Cuba is a socialist country, so for luxury of the bourgeois, millions of proletariats' labor dont get exploited. Sorry for that

Yeah in Cuba there are not HD tv's in %2 of the public, cause they choose a country which there are no-one who live without home, without food, without health-care, without education instead... They give best to their people with their free education and health-care system.
"North Americans don't understand... that our country is not just Cuba; our country is also humanity." Fidel Castro
Yeah, Cuba got problems either which we can criticise, but there are no perfect country. You dont have to be a socialist to respect Cuba's decision. Stop being that blind!
While, because of capitalism billions of people live in misery in the world, exploited by the system, and social-contradictions became more visible each day; how can we talk about "human rights" and blame Cuba? Cuba should be the last country we can blame if that is the case. And USA is the last country to talk about "human rights".
And about that "dictatorship" stuff... Did you ever research Cuba's election system? It's not even close to a dictatorship. With local managements and bottom-up organizations in Cuba, there are direct democracy. Not a bourgeois democracy like in capitalist countries. It's the just opposite of dictatorship. Fidel Castro which USA called "dictator" get elected each time around %90 of the publics votes. You can research more about their election system from reliable resources in the web.