Originally Posted by JohnBraden
I hope this resolves itself peacefully. Seoul is a stone's throw from the DMZ and I'm sure there are plenty of very concerned and scared people there and all over the country.
I'm currently living in South Korea relatively near from the DMZ. Other than the panic buying of food, there is nothing to be panic about.
As you can see, I live in South Korea as well as I understand the Korean language. We are more afraid of a potential coup d'etat march to Seoul by South Korean military officers than North Korea.
Anybody remember the previous two incidents of coup d'etat in South Korea?

Why not? Because this historical fact is scarier than North Korea right now.
It's funny that most of my American co-workers (mostly have lived in SK for over 5 years and wouldn't go back to the USA, yet they already brought their spouse and kids from the USA) said "oh, it's just another average day".