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CoolNard (Offline)
Yours Rightfully Insolent
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11-26-2010, 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by HikoSeijuro View Post
At first you want the masses to speak in facts and logical calculations. Then you agree that experiences, feelings, etc (which are subjective) are good to share. You can't have it both ways.
Okay, I'm gonna go really slow here, to save anymore misunderstandings. Experiences and opinions are good to share, as long as the fact that they are not facts, remains a fact. For example, "Oh, Japan sucks because the fees there are too high. Of course, the fact is that's only my opinion and not to be taken objectvely." I think people should add notable connotations like this when they "share" their life narratives. On the other hand, I think GoNative just stated exemplary facts in the bulk of his post. I would like to see how masaegu responds, for myself.

If, unfortunately, you can't see that or disagree, trivial matter, we can settle this via PM if you wish. The only reason why I brought this up is because I feel this is the best prevention to ungrounded arguments - which incidentally sparked off this thread and my response to it.

Originally Posted by HikoSeijuro View Post
I don't think you're mad..just bull headed! heh. Seriously, I am laid back as you might have seen on other posts but occasionally I get into a more formal "tone". This is as much a credit to the person I am communicating with and their perceived level of intelligence and comprehension as it is to MY occasional bull headed behavior nature.
Originally Posted by HikoSeijuro View Post
Don't flatter yourself babe.
If you were a girl, I'd consider that enough flattery for my JF lifetime. Could say the same to you, hiko, if you are one. But I'm too busy to check your profile, now. But you know? This isn't bull-headedness or self-flattery. If you think this is flattery, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Seriously though, we're just indignant on our own grounds.

For your convenience, I'm gonna compromise and not customize my fonts.

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 11-26-2010 at 09:32 AM. Reason: emphasis
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