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noodle (Offline)
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11-26-2010, 09:24 PM

That video is absolutely horrible! Even growing up in a third world country where people do about anything for money, I never saw anything that wrong!

Chie touts her designs as causing no pollution and says that fur "returns to the earth." But fur garments are treated with a cocktail of chemicals to keep them from decomposing, making fur a product that is definitely not biodegradable, not to mention the waste produced in the farming and treating process. The amount of energy needed to produce a real fur coat is approximately 15 to 20 times greater than that needed to produce a stylish faux alternative.

This paragraph however is wrong on so many levels... You DON'T need to use a cocktail of chemicals to keep fur from decomposing. Civilisations all over the world have used fur from animals for centuries without a single drop of chemical. In Algeria, when we kill Sheep, we keep their fur!

I think it should have been more specific. Maybe it's true for fur farms, where animals are bred for the sole reason of killing them for their fur. But if animals are bred for consumption, then used the fur for fashion, I see that as pretty green. Getting rid of the fur itself takes energy.

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
This was in China-- which makes me so angry that we do so much trade with that country whilst it continues to treat animals like that.
I love how people ruin a valid point by mixing in a bit of hate of a country/people. What the heck do you expect China as a whole to do about this kinda thing? It has a lot more serious problems which take priority to taking away some poor idiots only way of making money (before someone goes nuts on me, I'm not justifying these actions)! Just because England has already gone through the development stage, it doesn't make you all high and mighty. Your ancestors done the same things and probably worse!
Now if this kinda thing was happening in France, or Germany or another developed country, it'd be understandable if you say something like this! But it's not the case! Most people in China are still below the poverty line!

Last edited by noodle : 11-26-2010 at 09:32 PM.
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