What do I need to know/to have to be able to live in Japan? -
11-27-2010, 10:18 PM
I know there are lots of posts for some asked question about the life in Japan, but I have not followed all the posts and I would like to have a resume about that...
I have other questions but I'll post them to their right section...
So, I would like to ask some general questions and maybe you can complete them by giving us some tips and etc...
1) What are knowledges required to live in Japan?
2) Do I need to learn Japanese language?
3) I hesitate to live in Japan or New Zealand... what are your arguments to help me to choose Japan?
4) How the general life is in Japan?
5) How do the Japanese peoples are socialize with foreign peoples (from Europe)
6) What are requirements to be a "permanent resident" or a "Japanese citizen"?
7) What is the school degree required to have "easily" work in Japan? (as I saw it's "College" so it's Bachelor[+ Master])
8) A good salary to live "without difficulties for 2 peoples" in West Europe is around of "2000,00 €" or around "222 000,00 JPY"... what about in Japan? Is the salary is cheaper and the life cheaper, is it the same or more expensive?
9) What are advantages and disadvantages about social laws (example: is the hospital is free while passing by mutual insurance companies or do we need to pay hospital?) and fiscal laws? (example: is there car taxes? Are these taxes are higher for "bigger" cars or "higher-value cars"?)
10) What are general advantages and disadvantages by living in Japan?
11) Is it easy to be owner of a house or something like that?
12) Is the life peaceful in Japan?
I'll ask more questions in another time, as I have no other ideas...
Thank you to take your time to answer me and of your kindness. I apologize if I disturbed someone or because of too many similar posts