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Learning Japanese languages... how is it? - 11-27-2010, 10:32 PM

Hi all!

I would like to make Japanese my 3rd language to know but I'm asking some questions in my head and after some searches on Internet, it doesn't helps me so...

French is my mother tongue, then I learned English (not totally but it's OK to speak on any forum where we speak english, like you see)
Learning English for me is "easy" and I easily learn the vocabulary and ... about it... it took me about 4 years to get my actual level in english...

But the thing who make me scared is the "Japanese alphabet" who is nearly all foreign to our usual alphabet "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
So... i'm really interested to learn this language but I have no idea of what time it can take for normal courses...
Some peoples may tell to me that Japanese is easy to learn but i'm not so sure...


1) Is Japanese a hard language to learn from someone who live in Europe?

2) What is the average time to learn Japanese to have the "level" to speak "easily" in nearly all situations (like on the forum or in conversation)

3) What about the pronounciation of this language?

4) About the difficulty, how do you compare the French and the Japanese language?

Thanks a lot! Sorry if my english is sometimes wrong ><"
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