Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
If it took you 4 years to get English, it will take you 6+ to get Japanese. I might even go so far as to say 8+.
French and English speakers can learn the other language quite quickly. Japanese is completely different in every way. Japanese is considered one of the most difficult languages for a native English speaker to learn. It's not exactly going to be easier for a native French speaker. There are even fewer similarities, seeing as how the vocabulary is even more dissimilar between Japanese and French.
He's only 17, which means when he started to learn English he was only 13. I think he will be able to concentrate on his goal more and more, so he might not need that many years to acquire Japanese in an acceptable level.
I'd say go for it, Japanese is a beautiful language of an admirable nation with the brightest future ahead of them - even in the automobile industry.