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evanny (Offline)
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11-29-2010, 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The fact that it gets harder to learn foreign languages the older you get is no secret. You two can make up guesses as to why my acquaintance didn't learn any Japanese in 10+ years, but the fact of the matter is, he didn't, so simply living in Japan may not be enough. That's all I am saying.
there are plenty of people who simply don't want to mostly since they think their language is superior.
here we had a case were we took in some Somalian refugees or smth and those kids learnt our language on a respectable level within months. and yet here specially in capital we have tons of russians living here for 40+ years and don't know any word in latvian just because we were once part of CCCR they don't feel that they have left beloved russia.

personally i hate every single one of them who live here and don't bother to learn the language. and so i feel for everyone who actually lives in another country for years and doesn't bother to learn it's language.

P.S night we finish all 2 000 kanji in 3 years at University programme. still...just to know them isn't everything. the problem is reading them. i believe there are plenty of people with experience of 30+ years who can't read every combination of kanji.

Last edited by evanny : 11-29-2010 at 08:36 PM.
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