Good evening everyone, I hope you're all doing fine
I've started learning Japanese verbs and in my book I found
this sentence for the verb "to watch, see":
"I watched a movie last night" translated as:
私わ 昨晩 映画を みました
My question is, if I want to say "I went to see a movie last night",
do I write the same sentence i.e. does it have the same meaning if
I write it the same way? I know there is no big difference in the context,
I was just curious.. the question just popped into my mind...
Thank you for helping me understand...
Another big favour to ask... could you help me translate this sentence word by word? I found it written in two columns near a photo... I found all the kanji to have a general understanding but it doesn't work for me yet (I'm still at the beginning....) the only world I could unterstand is sugoi... could you please write it also in rōmaji? Thank you very much!
That's the sentence:
すごい場を与えられたな という気持ちです
Thank you for all your help!
I know it's a looooooong way to go (as for Japanese learning)
but step by step I want to understand this fascinating language!
