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Columbine (Offline)
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11-30-2010, 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by flunacy View Post
Good evening everyone, I hope you're all doing fine

I've started learning Japanese verbs and in my book I found
this sentence for the verb "to watch, see":

"I watched a movie last night" translated as:
私わ 昨晩 映画を みました
I hope your book didn't really say 私as that would be terrible! It's 'は’ for the particle, remember. And you shouldn't use spaces when you type Japanese either.

Originally Posted by flunacy View Post
My question is, if I want to say "I went to see a movie last night",
do I write the same sentence i.e. does it have the same meaning if
I write it the same way? I know there is no big difference in the context,
I was just curious.. the question just popped into my mind...
Thank you for helping me understand...
There may not be a huge difference in context, but there IS in emphasis. In 'I saw a movie last night', the emphasis is on the fact that you saw a movie. Could have been anywhere, even at home. In 'I went to see a movie last night', the emphasis is shifted more onto the fact that you travelled somewhat to see the movie and this effects how you phrase it.
To say this in Japanese you say:
As you can see, 'to go and see' takes the stem of the verb みる (み) plus particle に plus the verb for to go;行く(いく)as it was 'last night' the verb いく becomes past tense: 行きました。Check and see if your book teaches you this type of phrase in a later chapter; it's often put off until later in a course.
You don't always need to state 私は if it's obvious, which is why it's in brackets in the sentence.

Originally Posted by flunacy View Post
 Another big favour to ask... could you help me translate this sentence word by word? I found it written in two columns near a photo... I found all the kanji to have a general understanding but it doesn't work for me yet (I'm still at the beginning....) the only world I could unterstand is sugoi... could you please write it also in rōmaji? Thank you very much!
すごい場を与えられたな という気持ちです
If you don't know kanji, you can use sites like or to look them up. It's quick and easy! I'm not good with romaji so I'll write it in hiragana and you can easily figure out the romaji yourself if you still want.
It reads: すごいばをあたえられたなというきもちです。
場(ば)is a place or location
な is an inflection meaning roughly 'i wonder'
と言う(という) is particle と plus 言う(いう)which means literally 'to say' but in this case と言うis modifying a noun so it means more like 'kind/type of'
きもち(気持ち)means feeling
ですis a copula of the verb 'is', and is a general moderately formal sentence ending. (although I'm sure you already understand です!)

Unfortunately, I'm not confident about 与えられた; it's from the verb 与える (あたえる)meaning 'to give', but I'm not sure if it's potential or passive, or if it has a second, perhaps colloquial, meaning given the context. I'm sure someone else can fill that in though.

Hope that helps!
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