Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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11-30-2010, 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by missprincess
wow and cute lasts forever? lmao yeh right love as soon as a woman hits 30 lets see if shes still cute? and if she is thats just creepy!
btw being sexy and being promiscuous are 2 totally diff things, and if you bf likes to stereotype like that then thats a real shame,
Initially, I had a similar response to Kayci’s post. “Cute” doesn’t last any longer than “sexy”, if at all. But like you apparently, I was defining “cute” and “sexy” in my terms, not the way most Korean’s under 30 would.
You have to explore what they are saying a bit more to understand it. I ran it by my best friend and her boyfriend (both Korean –Americans in their mid-20s), and they totally agreed with what Kayci posted in an instant.
They seem to regard “cute” as sweet and unpretentious; not a physical description, though it may include some physical traits. Those two qualities do last, even when you don’t regard a person in sexual terms anymore.
What they thought of when referring to “sexy” is the sort of girl who goes all out with the latest “sexy” fashion trends to look enticing. Yes, they will get a guy’s attention, but only until someone walks by who does it one step better. They were not referring to having a true sensuality to their personality, which I would refer to as being sexy. In this instance “sexy” is purely superficial, and of course, momentary.
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Last edited by TalnSG : 11-30-2010 at 09:08 PM.