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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
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Location: England
12-01-2010, 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
it depends on the type of rejection.

knowing I was rejected by family-- then newfound cousins who were not prepared to accept me at all.

It must depend on reasons. I do take rejection very badly-- but thats because of my experiences in childhood.

If one is rejected for a good reason then one has maybe to examine oneself and ask why?

I turned my feelings of rejection to positive purposes by helping others who also had been IN CARE-- and basically had been totally rejected or treated badly in their lives-- So in helping others-- That was useful form of being positive rather than moaning and groaning.
i deal with rejection seriously badly too, and i always end up questioning myself - however i dont think it should be like that - i think a big problem i have is that alot of my self confidence is based soley on my outward appearance etc etc so when i get knocked like most women do i think to myself am i not pretty enough is my personality not nice enough, and ofcourse thats the worse way to think about it, its so unhealthy its stupid

im so sorry to hear about ur experiences dogsbody, my friend, well hes more like a brother, has gone through the care system and i must say i couldnt imagine how it feels not to have a family that supports you, thats another level of strong! (pats back) i must must comend you on that, it takes alot of guts to face the world alone ALOT OF GUTS!

Don't make someone a priority....... if your nothing more than an option to them

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