Originally Posted by dogsbody70
how about a man who is interesting will listen-- talk-------not be conceited.
Not too macho.
personally i like that alot, sometimes some peoples personalities are soo endearing that you tend to overlook alot of other things - and like them for who they are, i think after uv been through a couple of 'bad boy' experiences u learn that they are like the shiney toy in the shop window, you want it badly till u get it, then the novelty faids after a while, its not something that will last you and ino that alot of men like can never be tied down until there in their late 40 or something and they cant rely on their good looks/ charm anymore so they think ok lets get married now,
but every girl wants a man who will listen to her, take care of her and love her like shes the only women that matters (sounds corney ino) but i think every girl wants a man like that in the long run! as i like to call it - a stayer not a player